IBM Research Report: An Updated Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Linux Containers
August 07, 2014 at 01:58 PM[PDF] Interesting research report from IBM comparing performance of docker vs KVM. I would have liked to see Xen instead of KVM. Obviously full virtualization has more overhead than containers, but there are decent trade offs to this in terms of flexibility and security. Docker is getting to be quite flexible though, and has some benefits. I don't know that performance will be the key criteria for picking a side (Containers vs. Virtualization)
Link: IBM Research Report: An Updated Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Linux Containers
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Containers vs Hypervisors
April 16, 2014 at 07:32 PMDr Who references aside, there is an interesting debate forming over implementing virtualization with containers instead of hypervisors. Many application servers use the container model and while there are some benefits I don't know that I agree about the concept of delivering more services. There is much duplication in the container model and hypervisors try to reduce that since it is essentially wasteful. Some of the problems with hypervisors, such as hoggy neighbors and "cpu stealing" are not addressed with the container approach.
Link: Containers vs Hypervisors
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Arch Linux Amazon EC2 AMIs - April 9 2014 Update
April 09, 2014 at 08:00 AMArch Linux EC2 AMIs have been updated. This release includes a fix for heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160).
Permanent Link — Posted in Amazon Web ServicesTo Close Or Not To Close
February 27, 2014 at 12:52 PMIf you have browsed my HTML code you see that I have been flapping back and forth on closing void tags in HTML. I am not alone in this conceptual tug-of-war. My thought has been that it is more technically correct to do so, even though it is optional and makes for ugly code prose. This article goes through the history of the concept and where current thinking/standards lie. TL;DR version: Closing them is out of style in HTML5. Your code can be pretty _and_ correct.
Link: To Close Or Not To Close
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Git: How to use Stash
February 20, 2014 at 01:40 PMIt seems no matter how careful and disciplined you are with your git workflow, you end up in a situation where you have incomplete work that you need to ...uh.. "stash" somewhere because it isn't ready to be committed. Luckily, git has a feature to handle just that. The blog link below is a great overview of the stash feature in git.
Link: Git: How to use Stash
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